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Home Stay in Nepal

Home Stay in Nepal

Galkopakha, Thamel, Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Last Updated : Nov 16, 2011

Related Categories : Hostels

Home Stay Nepal is the Professional Home Stay Organizer Company of Nepal. It is established with the view of providing world class Home Stay Services to Our Guests to Nepal. It is experienced during our practice to perfection that every one can provide service but the Quality service can be provided only by the experts. So taking care of every aspercts of the world class services we are running this type of services in our country since many years. Home Stay in Nepal can be one of the unforgetable moment of your life, Because Nepal has got diverse in culture, climate, custom, creature and community. That is why if you are planning for a holiday in Nepal you would better plan not for tours and travels but plan for tours and travels from Home Stay can make your holiday the best holiday you have experienced ever before. We warmly welcome you in our Nepali Homes, Nepali Chulho, Nepali Dal-bhat Tarkari and Achar. It meants we welcome you from the inner core of our heart. We are pleased to receive you in our house situated in Thamel, center of Ktm in a green environment. The Home stay program allows visitors to Nepal to stay with Nepalese family. The Home stay participant lives with the family sleeping in a Nepali home, taking their meals with the family, and maybe even touring the city or celebrating a holiday or birthday with them. The program provides a unique opportunity to learn about Nepali culture, make new friends and extended family, and provide direct assistance to the Nepali people, many of whom are saving for their children’s future educatio

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