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Langtang Gosaikunda Trekking

Langtang Gosaikunda Trekking

Chhetrapati chowk, Kathmandu Nepal, Nepal
Last Updated : Dec 11, 2018

Related Categories : Trekking Agencies

Langtang Gosaikunda Trekking is one of the most popular trekking in Nepal. Langtang Gosaikunda trekking offers an opportunity for the trekkers to rediscover the Himalayan passes, original valley and diverse ethnic culture. Langtang and Gosaikunda combine the remote and spectacular valley of Langtang, with the high mountain lakes at Gosaikunda. This amazing trip gives outstanding views of the magnificent Himalayan Vista, sacred lake Gosaikunda and open society connected with Tamang community, who migrated to the locale from Tibet long time ago. Langtang Gosaikunda Trekking,Upon our trek to Gosaikunda we can visit the beautiful Langtang National park. Following the Trishuli River on the north out of Kathmandu, and the main source of Trisuli river is Gosaikunda.we travel through Trisuli Bazaar and then Dhunche to Syabrubesi. It’s a Sherpa village located at the very edge of the Langtang National Park. We then head toward the east into the Langtang valley, crossing few rivers and valley. We will also get an opportunity to see beautiful oak and rhododendron forests on our way to the Tamang village of Langtang. We can see the thick population of Tamang people and their culture, language and customs are similar to the Tibetans. The stunning views of snowy peaks, like the Langtang Lirung (7,345m), Dorje Lakpa (6,966m) and Gangchenpo (5,846m) are incredible. Though it is an easily accessible from Kathmandu it remains comparatively pristine and less developed trekking in Nepal. Over the years this Gosaikunda Lake has become one of the sacred pilgrimage sites for many Hindu and Buddhist devotees. A short but exciting adventure trek that goes high up to 4300m, Langtang Gosaikunda trekking could be award-winning by both experienced as well as beginner trekkers. The best time to visit Langtang and Gosaikunda is during the spring season when forests and slopes will be secured by blooming rhododendron.

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