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Brilliant Treks & Adventure

Brilliant Treks & Adventure

Lambagar-Manamiju, Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal
Last Updated : Jun 11, 2011

Related Categories : Trekking Agencies

Nepal is going to celebrate 2011 as a Nepal Tourism Year. So The Government of Nepal is working to attract many travelers in Nepal to make 2011 as a successful Tourism Year. Brilliant Treks & Adventure is a tourism related company where people can get all information about Nepal and Nepal Tourism. Our mission is to make 2011 as a successful Tourism year. Let’s help our mission by visiting Nepal or recommending your friends to Nepal. Nepal is a tiny Himalayan country located between India and China. Among many things, this country's natural beauty, and people's tradition and culture are widely noted by Hundreds of Thousands of travelers who visit this land every year. Nepal also has Ten World Heritage Sites which are regarded as the Himalayan Spirit which Lives and Breathes! And some of the highest mountains in the world including Mount Everest lives in Nepal. Many other travel ingredients attract tourists to this land, and not to forget the friendliness and warmth of Nepali people.

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